criticism of art 意味

  • 芸術批評{げいじゅつ ひひょう}


        art criticism:    美術批評{びじゅつ ひひょう}
        criticism on art:    芸術{げいじゅつ}に関する批評{ひひょう}
        criticism:     criticism n. 批評; 非難. 【動詞+】 accept criticism humbly 批判を謙虚に受け入れる answer sb's criticism point by point 人の批判に 1 つ 1 つ答える I greatly appreciate your helpful criticism of my thesis. 私の
        art:     art n. 芸術, 美術; 技術, 技芸; わざ, こつ; 人為, 技巧, 熟練; 学科; 術策. 【動詞+】 acquire the art of adjusting swiftly to new situations 新しい境遇にすみやかに順応する術を身につける You don't appreciate art. あなたには芸術がわかっていない In
        art in:    《be ~》~に加担する
        art of:    術
        by art:    人工によって、人為的に、策略で、熟練によって、術策で、狡猾に
        in the art:    技術的{ぎじゅつてき}に
        with art:     with árt 手ぎわよく,巧みに.
        above criticism:    《be ~》批判の余地がない
        accept criticism:    批判{ひはん}を受け入れる
        adverse criticism:    酷評{こくひょう}、非難{ひなん}
        advertising criticism:    広告批判
        aesthetic criticism:    審美批評{しんび ひひょう}
        amenable to criticism:    非難{ひなん}を免れない


  1. "criticism i will accept, but not gratuitous abuse" 意味
  2. "criticism is the last thing one looks for in a literary yearbook" 意味
  3. "criticism leveled against" 意味
  4. "criticism leveled against us" 意味
  5. "criticism of a past event" 意味
  6. "criticism of japanese perceptions of history" 意味
  7. "criticism of policies" 意味
  8. "criticism of someone's painting" 意味
  9. "criticism of the line that the current administration has taken" 意味
  10. "criticism leveled against us" 意味
  11. "criticism of a past event" 意味
  12. "criticism of japanese perceptions of history" 意味
  13. "criticism of policies" 意味

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